Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Excerpt from Josh's email April 2, 2013:Hey! yeah Easter was good. I got the letter and pictures yesterday which was nice :) haha Yesterday we didn't email because we were in Lexington having a zone p-day. I got really wore out. I haven't run around and played like that in a really long time. It was a lot of fun. I have been so busy lately. It's insane! I have been able to read a lot lately though. I have been reading a lot more from the Book of Mormon which is really cool. I want to get a lot more familiar with all of the stories so that I can explain and share them easier with people. I really enjoy reading the scriptures. I think I might be ill... haha I told Geeb that I quit soda and he said "who are you and what have you done with my nephew?" lol I am a lot different now I feel sort of different. More like I am the same person, but with a lot more spiritual drive to better myself because that's what the lord wants us to do. I have been a lot more healthy lately. I have been drinking Orange juice a lot and have been getting a lot of good exercise it's been really good! I am gaining muscle. My one suit doesn't hardly really fit me haha. My arms are just getting too big! haha. Man my mission has taught me a lot of useful stuff, like washing the dishes right after I'm done using them. It makes them a heck of a lot easier to clean! haha I'm a lot more organized and clean too. It's kind of weird... It's pretty crazy. Well I have to hurry and go but I will email you all next week. Tell dad I said hi and love him and tell the rest of the family I love and miss them. I will talk to you all next week! Love you!

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