Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Excerpt from Josh's letter August 19-Hey! So lately my companion and i have been super busy!! Like it's nuts! We have had tons of meetings to go to and i have to always prepare trainings and things and it's crazy! We have found a lot of really cool people lately. It's been really cool! Missionary work is just really amazing to see the lords hand in it is truly amazing! I ate a burger the other day at Meadowthorpe Cafe that consisted of an egg, a doughnut, and bacon. It was super good it's called a spalding burger.  I haven't been reading as much from the Book of Mormon as i used to. I am in Jacob though. I'm on the really long chapter in Jacob. It's really good though. The more I read it the more i get from it. Daniel Wrote me an Email that was really nice to hear from him! I love hearing from you all. It's week 5 in the transfer now so next week i get the call to find out everyone's fate. I'm pretty sure i am staying. Oh I stained a deck the other day and mowed this ladies lawn for her. I told you all that i fixed the shifter cable for a lady the other day. That was really neat because she was just right there in the middle of the road right after we got down teaching a lesson. Did i tell you all that i gave a talk in sacrament the other week? I had to give a talk on the Commandments Lesson 4 in preach my gospel it was really good. Giving talks now isn't a scary thing at all it's really normal actually.I don't freak out as much as i did. I remember the one thing i didn't really wanna do was give my farewell talk.Now i don't even mind it. I give a training every week in district meeting which i really enjoy. I get to teach and also learn at the same time. I really like it, it's a lot of fun. We have some people that we are teaching. If people would just experiment as it says in Alma 32 they would come to know that it is true. Everyone that has ever done it with true intent has come to know that it is true. I wish everyone would just read and pray and know that it is true. It all makes sense. The mission is a really interesting time of life. I don't even know how to explain it. I have literally been set apart from the world and it's a crazy thing. The adversary works on the righteous harder and harder because if he can get to us he can get to everyone. He is just as real as God is. I've been reading my patriarchal blessing a lot and it's really, really interesting. I love it. It is another testimony to me that the church is true, I know it is, and i will never be able to deny it. My mission so far has shaped me into a different person, for the better. It has helped me more than i think i have helped others.  I wish i would have listened more.  I was like Laman and Lemuel even after seeing miracles i still didn't hold strong, but now like Alma the younger i have been made strong, and have become a tool in the lords hands, maybe a dull tool but hopefully someday a sharper one. But i love my mission. At times i get frustrated with it  but all in all i don't think i would have ever learned the things that i know now if it weren't for my mission. I am so grateful for it and for the opportunity to serve the lord. I know when the time comes to come home i will be happy to go home but also sad that i will no longer wear the distinct black name tag. But i will forever be a missionary. I love you guys!

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