Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Monday, June 24, 2013

 Excerpt form June 10th: So this past little while has been super busy! We have been teaching a lot of people. We are having a Baptism this sunday to start off the transfer and then we should be having at least one more baptism at the end of the transfer. Possibly two more we will see! We are super excited! It's been going really well though! I've basically finsihed the Book of Mormon for the second time, which is good! I love the Book of Mormon there is so much good stuff in there. We just have to look for it and apply it in our lives. It's been getting pretty warm out here lately, OH!! Guess what since it's been getting warmer the lightning bugs came out!! it's super awesome! They are cool little things. they are super easy to catch! I caught one and then let it loose in the apartment lol! I have a bunch of pictures of it.

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