Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Friday, February 22, 2013

Excerpt from Josh's email February 11, 2013
I am staying in New Albany! I am not getting transferred this transfer. It's been pretty good here. Just doing the work day after day. We have one investigator with a Baptismal date right now and we are going to start teaching his girlfriend today so that's good. Hopefully they will both increase their desires to know so that they will want to know if it is true and they can both get baptized. I don't know if I told you already but I started re-reading to Book of Mormon. I am in 2 Nephi now. It's super good! The more I read it the more I understand and want to learn more. It's really cool. I actually enjoy reading the scriptures and things related to the gospel like talks and things like that. I also just started reading the Doctrine and Covenants not too long ago. I am on section 58 now. I got a letter from Geeb and Tiff the other day. Tell them thank you please :) I really like the words of wisdom I get that have been passed along to me. "Work Hard, Pray Always, and Enjoy!" I really like that. I have heard that a lot in the past week or two from a lot of you and I really like that. I wrote it down multiple places like my planner and white handbook. It is sooooo true! It has helped me out a lot this past little while. Especially when I start missing home and when it gets rough I just always remember that. Working hard helps keep my mind off of home. It keeps me focused on what I really need to be doing and it makes the time go by faster. Prayer is huge! Through prayer we can literally converse with our father in heaven! It is an amazing thing! We can receive help and guidance and personal Revelation that can bring greater knowledge, faith, and comfort. I Love prayer! I think it is in Alma 34:17-27 Pray always! I really love it. I think about that a lot and how real prayer is. Sincere prayer is what is most important. I like how it talks about praying always and pouring out our soul unto our heavenly father for anything and everything we need. It is also important to pray for thanks to thank him for all that he does for us. Oh something kind of cool a missionary in one of the other wards in our building came home the other day and so a tradition that they do here is everyone that has served a mission comes to church that first Sunday they are home with their tags on!! I thought that was way cool! I want to do that when I come home I think that'd be awesome! It's so cool to see pretty much everyone walking around the church with a name tag on. Tell everyone I love and miss them all! I Love you guys!

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