Josh and his new companion
Elder Joshua Arnold
Friday, February 22, 2013
Excerpt from Josh's email February 19
Hey guys! It's been super crazy lately. I got transferred to Morehead Kentucky. It's a pretty sweet little town. It's basically just a town with a College campus on it. It's pretty cool. Elder Carly is my new companion. He's pretty cool. We've got a lot of investigators. It’s going pretty good I really like Morehead. It's a pretty cool little town. The people here are so cool and nice too. It's kind of crazy moving areas because once you get used to an area and know it pretty well they move you. It's alright though keeps life interesting. Everything has been going good. We are going to have apostles come to our mission to talk which will be cool. We are going to be getting a ton of missionaries soon. This next transfer is a short transfer it's only five weeks. We are going to be getting a ton of sister missionaries in the future transfers. It's going to be really interesting to see what happens with our mission.To see what happens with everything. My birthday is coming up too. It's crazy! I won't be a teenager anymore haha. The mission is a great experience. It's been a lot of fun so far. It really goes by fast too. I can't believe it's been this long already! It's awesome here. I love and miss you all!
Hey guys! It's been super crazy lately. I got transferred to Morehead Kentucky. It's a pretty sweet little town. It's basically just a town with a College campus on it. It's pretty cool. Elder Carly is my new companion. He's pretty cool. We've got a lot of investigators. It’s going pretty good I really like Morehead. It's a pretty cool little town. The people here are so cool and nice too. It's kind of crazy moving areas because once you get used to an area and know it pretty well they move you. It's alright though keeps life interesting. Everything has been going good. We are going to have apostles come to our mission to talk which will be cool. We are going to be getting a ton of missionaries soon. This next transfer is a short transfer it's only five weeks. We are going to be getting a ton of sister missionaries in the future transfers. It's going to be really interesting to see what happens with our mission.To see what happens with everything. My birthday is coming up too. It's crazy! I won't be a teenager anymore haha. The mission is a great experience. It's been a lot of fun so far. It really goes by fast too. I can't believe it's been this long already! It's awesome here. I love and miss you all!
Excerpt from Josh's email February 11, 2013
I am staying in New Albany! I am not getting transferred this transfer. It's been pretty good here. Just doing the work day after day. We have one investigator with a Baptismal date right now and we are going to start teaching his girlfriend today so that's good. Hopefully they will both increase their desires to know so that they will want to know if it is true and they can both get baptized. I don't know if I told you already but I started re-reading to Book of Mormon. I am in 2 Nephi now. It's super good! The more I read it the more I understand and want to learn more. It's really cool. I actually enjoy reading the scriptures and things related to the gospel like talks and things like that. I also just started reading the Doctrine and Covenants not too long ago. I am on section 58 now. I got a letter from Geeb and Tiff the other day. Tell them thank you please :) I really like the words of wisdom I get that have been passed along to me. "Work Hard, Pray Always, and Enjoy!" I really like that. I have heard that a lot in the past week or two from a lot of you and I really like that. I wrote it down multiple places like my planner and white handbook. It is sooooo true! It has helped me out a lot this past little while. Especially when I start missing home and when it gets rough I just always remember that. Working hard helps keep my mind off of home. It keeps me focused on what I really need to be doing and it makes the time go by faster. Prayer is huge! Through prayer we can literally converse with our father in heaven! It is an amazing thing! We can receive help and guidance and personal Revelation that can bring greater knowledge, faith, and comfort. I Love prayer! I think it is in Alma 34:17-27 Pray always! I really love it. I think about that a lot and how real prayer is. Sincere prayer is what is most important. I like how it talks about praying always and pouring out our soul unto our heavenly father for anything and everything we need. It is also important to pray for thanks to thank him for all that he does for us. Oh something kind of cool a missionary in one of the other wards in our building came home the other day and so a tradition that they do here is everyone that has served a mission comes to church that first Sunday they are home with their tags on!! I thought that was way cool! I want to do that when I come home I think that'd be awesome! It's so cool to see pretty much everyone walking around the church with a name tag on. Tell everyone I love and miss them all! I Love you guys!
I am staying in New Albany! I am not getting transferred this transfer. It's been pretty good here. Just doing the work day after day. We have one investigator with a Baptismal date right now and we are going to start teaching his girlfriend today so that's good. Hopefully they will both increase their desires to know so that they will want to know if it is true and they can both get baptized. I don't know if I told you already but I started re-reading to Book of Mormon. I am in 2 Nephi now. It's super good! The more I read it the more I understand and want to learn more. It's really cool. I actually enjoy reading the scriptures and things related to the gospel like talks and things like that. I also just started reading the Doctrine and Covenants not too long ago. I am on section 58 now. I got a letter from Geeb and Tiff the other day. Tell them thank you please :) I really like the words of wisdom I get that have been passed along to me. "Work Hard, Pray Always, and Enjoy!" I really like that. I have heard that a lot in the past week or two from a lot of you and I really like that. I wrote it down multiple places like my planner and white handbook. It is sooooo true! It has helped me out a lot this past little while. Especially when I start missing home and when it gets rough I just always remember that. Working hard helps keep my mind off of home. It keeps me focused on what I really need to be doing and it makes the time go by faster. Prayer is huge! Through prayer we can literally converse with our father in heaven! It is an amazing thing! We can receive help and guidance and personal Revelation that can bring greater knowledge, faith, and comfort. I Love prayer! I think it is in Alma 34:17-27 Pray always! I really love it. I think about that a lot and how real prayer is. Sincere prayer is what is most important. I like how it talks about praying always and pouring out our soul unto our heavenly father for anything and everything we need. It is also important to pray for thanks to thank him for all that he does for us. Oh something kind of cool a missionary in one of the other wards in our building came home the other day and so a tradition that they do here is everyone that has served a mission comes to church that first Sunday they are home with their tags on!! I thought that was way cool! I want to do that when I come home I think that'd be awesome! It's so cool to see pretty much everyone walking around the church with a name tag on. Tell everyone I love and miss them all! I Love you guys!
Exceprt for Josh's email February 4, 2013
Things have been going pretty alright here. I have been learning to rely on the lord A LOT and receiving a lot of personal revelation. I just started reading the Book of Mormon again and also just started reading the Doctrine & Covenants. I'm on 1 Nephi chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon and on section like 43 in the D&C. It's been going good. I actually kind of like reading now. Only about the gospel though. I don't think I will EVER just pick up a story or novel and just read it for "fun" haha. I have been reading from the missionary library a little bit. I want to read all of this stuff at least once while I am on my mission. There is so much information that can help us in our lives. I have a lot of stuff I can read from! Our search for happiness, Jesus the Christ, Preach my gospel, Book of Mormon, The old and new testament of the bible, the D&C, Pearl of Great Price, true to the faith., After I read the Doctrine &Covenants I am planning on reading the Pearl of Great Price. But yeah I like reading and studying the gospel :) Another thing I have come to know is how the Higher law for us as missionaries and obedience really does matter. There really is a reason for it. Some of the missionaries here don't really understand that. I know that if we are obedient than we will have success, if we aren't exactly obedient no matter how good of a missionary or teacher or whatever we are then we won’t have success. Also, when there is contention we do not have the spirit with us and we cannot work. We have to be obedient to have the spirit to be with us. The spirit of contention is not of God like it says in Nephi. It is of the devil. Those days are hard when tension builds for one stupid reason or another when we are around contention the spirit tends to leave us, and then we can't teach by the spirit. Those days are hard, and those days are the days that I pray the most. I know Our Heavenly Father is there and that he loves us, otherwise there is no way I would ever make it through my mission. There are always ups and downs no matter where we are in life and that is part of life. Our heavenly father throws us curve balls sometimes to see if we can hit it. I know however that the lord chastens us so that we can learn, grow, and progress. That is our purpose in life. When we come to understand that that is when all of the experiences in life good or bad begin to sometimes make sense. The lord has been wanting me to learn patience for a VERY long time. I still haven't mastered it but I am working on it. It's so nice to be able to converse with the lord and to learn the things that he would have us know so that we can learn grow and progress to eventually, in the end, receive the gift of Eternal life and return to their presence. 2 Nephi 31:20 is a really good scripture I love the promise in there. At times it is so hard to see the big picture of things and understand why certain things happen in the present time, but I know that it is because Our Heavenly Father wants us to Learn Grow and Progress through those things. Everything happens for a reason. In every instance in life there is a lesson to be learned. The trick is learning what that lesson is through guidance from our Heavenly Father. If we humbly seek answers to life’s questions and trials and if the lord wants us to know he will tell us. Sometimes the lord doesn't tell us right away why things happen or the purpose or lesson behind them, sometimes the answers come later in life. I love seeking personal revelation. That is probably one of my most favorite parts of the gospel. Sometimes it is a little scary or nerve racking to know what our Heavenly Father has in store for us. I know that the future is going to be... Very interesting. I really don't know what the lord has in store. All I know is that if I continue doing what I'm doing then I will be ready and know what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I love being a Tool in the master’s hands, it's such a neat experience. It is hard but it's worth it when you see it change other’s lives. It is so hard for me to see others happy with their families, starting families and things and at times I get distracted by that aspect. but I know someday the lord will bless me with that opportunity to be with my family again, and to start my own family. I know that at this time in my life the lord is shaping and molding me to be a kingdom builder. I don't know what that entails but I know that's what the lord is doing. I am so very grateful to be a part of his plan right now, out here serving him. I struggle sometimes to remember the big picture but I know that in the end it will be worth it. I have been studying a lot in PMG the Christ-like Attributes. I love studying this section. I have learned a lot from that. I love Charity, I think that has to be my favorite one. I love being able to serve people it's such a good feeling knowing you're helping someone out. Like I said I am working on Patience, and I'm learning more about hope and faith. It's so nice to learn more about it and then to apply it and then see how it benefits our lives. Anyways sorry to leave you with a novel haha I love you all so very Much and I miss you too! I am so very grateful to be out here serving the lord! I'm super excited to see everyone else going out to serve, I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!
Things have been going pretty alright here. I have been learning to rely on the lord A LOT and receiving a lot of personal revelation. I just started reading the Book of Mormon again and also just started reading the Doctrine & Covenants. I'm on 1 Nephi chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon and on section like 43 in the D&C. It's been going good. I actually kind of like reading now. Only about the gospel though. I don't think I will EVER just pick up a story or novel and just read it for "fun" haha. I have been reading from the missionary library a little bit. I want to read all of this stuff at least once while I am on my mission. There is so much information that can help us in our lives. I have a lot of stuff I can read from! Our search for happiness, Jesus the Christ, Preach my gospel, Book of Mormon, The old and new testament of the bible, the D&C, Pearl of Great Price, true to the faith., After I read the Doctrine &Covenants I am planning on reading the Pearl of Great Price. But yeah I like reading and studying the gospel :) Another thing I have come to know is how the Higher law for us as missionaries and obedience really does matter. There really is a reason for it. Some of the missionaries here don't really understand that. I know that if we are obedient than we will have success, if we aren't exactly obedient no matter how good of a missionary or teacher or whatever we are then we won’t have success. Also, when there is contention we do not have the spirit with us and we cannot work. We have to be obedient to have the spirit to be with us. The spirit of contention is not of God like it says in Nephi. It is of the devil. Those days are hard when tension builds for one stupid reason or another when we are around contention the spirit tends to leave us, and then we can't teach by the spirit. Those days are hard, and those days are the days that I pray the most. I know Our Heavenly Father is there and that he loves us, otherwise there is no way I would ever make it through my mission. There are always ups and downs no matter where we are in life and that is part of life. Our heavenly father throws us curve balls sometimes to see if we can hit it. I know however that the lord chastens us so that we can learn, grow, and progress. That is our purpose in life. When we come to understand that that is when all of the experiences in life good or bad begin to sometimes make sense. The lord has been wanting me to learn patience for a VERY long time. I still haven't mastered it but I am working on it. It's so nice to be able to converse with the lord and to learn the things that he would have us know so that we can learn grow and progress to eventually, in the end, receive the gift of Eternal life and return to their presence. 2 Nephi 31:20 is a really good scripture I love the promise in there. At times it is so hard to see the big picture of things and understand why certain things happen in the present time, but I know that it is because Our Heavenly Father wants us to Learn Grow and Progress through those things. Everything happens for a reason. In every instance in life there is a lesson to be learned. The trick is learning what that lesson is through guidance from our Heavenly Father. If we humbly seek answers to life’s questions and trials and if the lord wants us to know he will tell us. Sometimes the lord doesn't tell us right away why things happen or the purpose or lesson behind them, sometimes the answers come later in life. I love seeking personal revelation. That is probably one of my most favorite parts of the gospel. Sometimes it is a little scary or nerve racking to know what our Heavenly Father has in store for us. I know that the future is going to be... Very interesting. I really don't know what the lord has in store. All I know is that if I continue doing what I'm doing then I will be ready and know what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I love being a Tool in the master’s hands, it's such a neat experience. It is hard but it's worth it when you see it change other’s lives. It is so hard for me to see others happy with their families, starting families and things and at times I get distracted by that aspect. but I know someday the lord will bless me with that opportunity to be with my family again, and to start my own family. I know that at this time in my life the lord is shaping and molding me to be a kingdom builder. I don't know what that entails but I know that's what the lord is doing. I am so very grateful to be a part of his plan right now, out here serving him. I struggle sometimes to remember the big picture but I know that in the end it will be worth it. I have been studying a lot in PMG the Christ-like Attributes. I love studying this section. I have learned a lot from that. I love Charity, I think that has to be my favorite one. I love being able to serve people it's such a good feeling knowing you're helping someone out. Like I said I am working on Patience, and I'm learning more about hope and faith. It's so nice to learn more about it and then to apply it and then see how it benefits our lives. Anyways sorry to leave you with a novel haha I love you all so very Much and I miss you too! I am so very grateful to be out here serving the lord! I'm super excited to see everyone else going out to serve, I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!
Excerpt from Josh's email January 22, 2013.
Stuff has been pretty good lately. We recently had two baptisms which was awesome. I got to do one of the confirmations. Pretty sweet! We've been doing alright. We don’t have hardly any investigators. It's hard to stay busy when no one wants to listen because they have "been saved already". At times it's frustrating but I just keep pushing along. We have been doing a lot of tracting and stuff like that trying to find people that want to just listen to us. It's been pretty good though. It is like a roller coaster, sometimes I feel like I’m doing really good with teaching and things and other times I feel like I'm not. I've been studying a lot! I'm learning so much more about that gospel that I know I had been taught but just didn't comprehend. I have learned soooo many things about the gospel that make me want to be better in my own life like after my mission and while on my mission. It's crazy how the time just flies by! I've been out here now for about 3 months. I can't believe it! Also Ben comes home soon! That's crazy! My birthday is coming up soon too! I can't believe I'm going to be 20. It's crazy! It goes by quick! It's been so cold here in Indiana.It's weird one day it'll be really cold and the next it'll be pretty warm. It's crazy! The work has been going good. Just trying to find more people to teach. We've been able to get meals in members homes more now because the bishop didn't know we weren’t getting fed at night. Now we have a couple a week. It's super interesting out here. It’s amazing how the gospel helps us have a better way of living.
Stuff has been pretty good lately. We recently had two baptisms which was awesome. I got to do one of the confirmations. Pretty sweet! We've been doing alright. We don’t have hardly any investigators. It's hard to stay busy when no one wants to listen because they have "been saved already". At times it's frustrating but I just keep pushing along. We have been doing a lot of tracting and stuff like that trying to find people that want to just listen to us. It's been pretty good though. It is like a roller coaster, sometimes I feel like I’m doing really good with teaching and things and other times I feel like I'm not. I've been studying a lot! I'm learning so much more about that gospel that I know I had been taught but just didn't comprehend. I have learned soooo many things about the gospel that make me want to be better in my own life like after my mission and while on my mission. It's crazy how the time just flies by! I've been out here now for about 3 months. I can't believe it! Also Ben comes home soon! That's crazy! My birthday is coming up soon too! I can't believe I'm going to be 20. It's crazy! It goes by quick! It's been so cold here in Indiana.It's weird one day it'll be really cold and the next it'll be pretty warm. It's crazy! The work has been going good. Just trying to find more people to teach. We've been able to get meals in members homes more now because the bishop didn't know we weren’t getting fed at night. Now we have a couple a week. It's super interesting out here. It’s amazing how the gospel helps us have a better way of living.
Excerpt from Josh's email January 7, 2013
Everything here has been going alright. We are trying to get on a more regular schedule now that the holidays are over. it's been working pretty well. I am learning a lot from my own personal study and experiences. I feel like normal life will be so much easier now haha. The Mission is hard at times, It challenges me with many different things. We have been doing a lot of tracting lately since we don't have a very large teaching pool. We use the prayer approach a lot and pray with a lot of different people. We invite the spirit and bless the home and the family and afterwards we talk a little bit more and ask if we can come back and share a message about Jesus Christ and about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. It works really well. People out here are super interested to let us come in and offer a pray with them. It amazes me sometimes home many people have faith that there is a god and that Jesus Christ is the Savior. It almost makes our job easier since they already believe. That hard part is helping them know that the gospel that we offer is true. We do that by inviting them to pray and read the Book of Mormon. It's simple. In the Introduction of the Book of Mormon it talks about that if they come to know that the Book of Mormon is true then that means Joseph Smith is a prophet, that the priesthood was restored to the earth, that Jesus Christ is our savior and that the church of Jesus Christ is his true church. You can read it it's really cool. We also show them the scripture in Moroni, Moroni 10:3-5. Basically if we have faith in Christ, if we have a sincere heart, and have real intent to know then we can know by the power of the Holy Ghost. I think that is the most powerful thing. I've been reading my patriachal blessing a lot and every time i read it i find more things about it that make sense or that i learn from it. One thing I know though is that these are the last days. I know that the world is going to get worse and worse and i know everyone says that but i just feel that it's getting closer. I know we need to prepare ourselves the best that we can to be ready for anything that can happen. Prepare Physically and Spiritually as well. And as much as i might talk about home or how much i miss you guys, or anything really I want you to always remember this, I Know this is where i am supposed to be. I think the mission is doing more good for me than i am doing for it really, but i love it. I am so glad i made this decision. i know that this is where i am supposed to be, The lord wants me here, he needs me here. I havent yet seen a miracle come to pass from my doing but i know this is where he wants me. I know i made the right decision. I have learned to love the work, as much as i say i miss home or anything doesn't take away from the fact that i am Serving the lord. I wouldn't change anything. I have learned so much already and i know that it never will get easier but it will always be worth it and that the sufferings of this time do not compare to the glory that we can find within us. anyways i will email you guys again soon.
Everything here has been going alright. We are trying to get on a more regular schedule now that the holidays are over. it's been working pretty well. I am learning a lot from my own personal study and experiences. I feel like normal life will be so much easier now haha. The Mission is hard at times, It challenges me with many different things. We have been doing a lot of tracting lately since we don't have a very large teaching pool. We use the prayer approach a lot and pray with a lot of different people. We invite the spirit and bless the home and the family and afterwards we talk a little bit more and ask if we can come back and share a message about Jesus Christ and about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. It works really well. People out here are super interested to let us come in and offer a pray with them. It amazes me sometimes home many people have faith that there is a god and that Jesus Christ is the Savior. It almost makes our job easier since they already believe. That hard part is helping them know that the gospel that we offer is true. We do that by inviting them to pray and read the Book of Mormon. It's simple. In the Introduction of the Book of Mormon it talks about that if they come to know that the Book of Mormon is true then that means Joseph Smith is a prophet, that the priesthood was restored to the earth, that Jesus Christ is our savior and that the church of Jesus Christ is his true church. You can read it it's really cool. We also show them the scripture in Moroni, Moroni 10:3-5. Basically if we have faith in Christ, if we have a sincere heart, and have real intent to know then we can know by the power of the Holy Ghost. I think that is the most powerful thing. I've been reading my patriachal blessing a lot and every time i read it i find more things about it that make sense or that i learn from it. One thing I know though is that these are the last days. I know that the world is going to get worse and worse and i know everyone says that but i just feel that it's getting closer. I know we need to prepare ourselves the best that we can to be ready for anything that can happen. Prepare Physically and Spiritually as well. And as much as i might talk about home or how much i miss you guys, or anything really I want you to always remember this, I Know this is where i am supposed to be. I think the mission is doing more good for me than i am doing for it really, but i love it. I am so glad i made this decision. i know that this is where i am supposed to be, The lord wants me here, he needs me here. I havent yet seen a miracle come to pass from my doing but i know this is where he wants me. I know i made the right decision. I have learned to love the work, as much as i say i miss home or anything doesn't take away from the fact that i am Serving the lord. I wouldn't change anything. I have learned so much already and i know that it never will get easier but it will always be worth it and that the sufferings of this time do not compare to the glory that we can find within us. anyways i will email you guys again soon.
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