Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Monday, December 3, 2012

A couple of pictures Josh sent us.

Excert from Josh's email December 3, 2012

“My mission has really made me realize how much I love and care about my family.”

I received a call from a man in Indiana who told me that Josh was doing good and had a great spirit and was having a great influence on people there. Josh is talking about him in this email.

“He's a seminary teacher, we went and taught his class last week. and the family that lives across the street from him we have been teaching since I got here. They're awesome! We have 5 baptism dates just in that house hold. This month we have 7 baptism dates scheduled! It's awesome! It's so cool to see the spirit touch people. We invited them to the First presidency broadcast last night and they came and they loved it! They felt the spirit for sure! They're an awesome family! It was fast and testimony meeting yesterday and I got up and bore my testimony. I don’t think I’ve really ever done that before. It was good! It's hard here at times when the adversary places doubt in my mind but I always find something to read and pray about that will lift my spirit. That one thing I have a strong testimony of is comfort, my testimony has exploded since I have been out! In just small ways and big ways. I have been keeping a journal and writing things down. I have a testimony of pretty much everything. I know that this is the true church. We know from God himself, because he testifies that it is. I'm so very grateful for it in my life! Tell people to write me. I haven't gotten anything since I’ve been here. I would really like to hear from the Kravers Krew. I read a good article today in the Oct 2009 Ensign on temples. It was really good! I can't wait to go to the Salt Lake Temple again! When I get back I want to go a lot more!
Love you guys!”