Elder Joshua Arnold

Elder Joshua Arnold

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Josh, the mission president and his wife, and Josh' first Kentucky companion

Josh, the mission president and his wife, and the other missionaries that flew to Kentucky with him. Josh was the flight leader so he was in charge of making sure everyone made it to Kentucky.

Josh and his companion from the MTC.

Josh's email November 26, 2012

Everything is going well here. I sent out a few letters the other day. I'm sure you'll get them soon. I enjoyed your emails. I can't believe the blessing it is for me to be on a mission right now. As much as i miss home and everything i used to do, and the family and my friends. I know this is where i am supposed to be. The lord makes sure i know that everyday. Today for example during my study time i read my patriachal blessing. That in it's self is a miraculous testimony builder for me. I have seen so many things in there that i know to be true, because i have seen them take place. Everytime i read it something else sticks out to me. The lord works in crazy ways. I have been writing in my journal almost daily. I have only missed a few days. I know that keeping a journal is a good way to harness and remember those spiritual experiences. I have so many experiences so far that testify to me that this is all true. I won't share them all with you now but when i get home after my two years then i will be able to share them with you. I know for a fact the church is true. I know god speaks to us and answers our prayers. I know god loves us all and wants us to return to him. I have a much stronger testimony of the importance of family. I've always known family was important but i never understood it like i do now. I can't wait for when i can come home to see my family. and I can't wait until i can come home and start my own family. I want that more than anything in the world. I know that patriachal blessings are not from those giving the blessing. The patriachs are only the tool/gateway god uses to confer that to us. I Know god lives and that he speaks to us. I know everything happens for a reason. Things don't just happen because things happen, they all happen for a reason. I love you all so very much and i know if we are obedient to what the lord has asked of us that we may find great joy in all that we do. I know this because whenever i struggle i turn to the lord. He is the only one that can help me. I know he can help all of us. It has been a week now that i've been out. i have learned to love the people. I like to see that light in their eyes when they open up their hearts to receive the blessings of the lord. My companion is Elder Rollins. He's a pretty cool guy. He is from Phoenix. He likes wrestling and working out. He's pretty ripped. He drinks those protein shakes in the morning. We usually go over to the other elders apartment and work out sometimes, other times we go work out at the high school with one of our investigator friends. its pretty cool. We do have a car in my area. We have a Chevy Malibu. I can't drive for two transfers i believe. President/misson rules. but my companion and i have like 9 baptisms lined up right now. We're teaching a family, and its been going very well. Its so cool to see them accept the gospel and understand it and know it's true. I have gained a stronger testimony of the scriptures and the book of mormon. I know it is the true word of god. The members are really nice here. We've had a few dinner appointments, like thanksgiving was good! we had two dinners! I've been doing really well here. I wrote a bunch of letters the other day. I really enjoy hand written letters but i would like you guys to also email me. The emails help because i can usually read them faster. Oh and on christmas i get to skype home!

I'm so excited to finally be out in the field. It's so much more relaxed than the MTC in some ways. The adversary is stronger out here in the world, in the MTC i didn't notice it hardly at all. The spirit in the mtc is just truly amazing. I cant even describe how peaceful it was. Once i got out of the van when you dropped me off the lord threw a veil over me, like he did when we came to this earth he put one over my mind that i might focus more on the lords work and not worry about home. The comfort i feel is undescribeable. It's not that i don't miss everyone because i miss everyone A LOT. but it's just that the lord blesses me so i may know the truth. I know he has blessed me with that, so i may focus more on the work. He didn't eliminate my memory of home life, he just made it so i wouldn't think about it constantly. He didn't make this easy either. The mission is hard. I get home and want to pass out! i lay down and within like 5 min i'm out cold. The lord knows it's hard on all of us. however he will bless us for our sacrifice. We have already seen the blessings from it. and i know we will never stop seeing those blessings. Greater the sacrafice Greater the reward. Also idk if i told you already but when i was in the mtc i was sitting there in the classroom with elder landon and elder williams. and a teacher walked by and started going down the stairs. He didn't even make it down the stairs, he popped his head in the room and said, I dont know why i am doing this but the spirit prompted me to come in and share this scripture with you, that it may be of great significance to you someday. It was Romans 8:18. I know that to be true. I know that if we can endure the challenges placed before us, especially ones to bring other families closer to heavenly father he will bless us. The lord knows us individually, I know he does. I know he knows the true desires of our hearts. I know he died and suffered for us. I'm eternally grateful for that. I'm so very grateful i can come and serve the lord. Not just for my gain but for the gain of others. So that others may know the true gospel. I love James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom ask of god. then the introduction to the Book of mormon and Moroni's promise. I know that we may know the truth of all things through the holy ghost. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Josh's email November 9, 2012

Hey guys
It's pday again. I get to use the computer once a week. Things have been really good lately. We went to the temple today and did initiatorys. It was so awesome! right now we're doing our laundry and using the computers. How're things going? How're my cars? did you get rid of the red one yet? I've been studying the scriptures a lot lately. yesterday we studied section 84 in the D&C. Its so cool to be able to study and learn more about everything. Teaching has been really good too. we've taught a couple people so far in our role plays. We havent commited anyone to baptism yet but we've got a lot to learn still. I love being here. sometimes i miss things i used to have and do but i just always remember the true reason why i'm here. I cant wait until we leave for kentucky! we leave on the 19th BTW. Email me back when you guys get a chance. I love hearing from everyone, have them write me. tell them dearelder works the best. If you guys get bored send us some snacks, soda, something. Maybe send some with caffine. Ill make bank off that. Well write me when ever you get a chance. Love you guys! Love you!

Josh's letter November 5, 2012

Hi Mom! I miss you guys. However I wouldn't trade this experience for the world! I love my mission! The guys here are so awesome. My whole zone is sweet! I love them all! My companion is from Star valley, Wyoming. He is an awesome companion. We've been teaching a lot of investigators here at the MTC. I have learned so much here I can't even write it all down! I have learned to love the scriptures and to study them. Tell people to send stuff! Love you all! Have people write. I love letters!
Elder Arnold

Josh's letter November 2, 2012

Dear family,
I love my mission. I am so happy to be here finally. I miss you guys and everything but I know where I should be. It has been a rush lately. Constantly in classes and workshops, learning more effective ways to preach the gospel. I feel like I already new how to do it. I love it! I have learned, I think, more in two days than I have my whole life. One of the elders in my district shared an amazing saying "Some people leave their families for a while so someone else's can be together forever." I want a plaque in my house with that on it.
Elder Arnold

Excert from first email home

Hey Family,
Everything here is great! It's been really awesome! It kinda feels like i've been here forever though. I've only been here a few days but it feels like i've been here alot longer. I miss everyone a bunch, but it doesn't distract me. Feel free to send letters, like hand written ones i can get those everyday of the week. I only get to email on pday. Its so awesome to learn more about the gospel and focus on it. My testimony has grown so much in the past few days more than my entire life! I love the quote one of my fellow district members shared with me. "Some people leave their families for a while so someone else's can be together forever" something like that. I like it a lot. I'm so glad i made the decision to come. its amazing. It makes me want to come home and start my own family. I cant even explain how much i have learned. I feel like a new/better person in a way.
Love Elder Arnold

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My journey begins

I began my missionary journey on October 31, 2012 when I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. As I arrived I was greeted at the curb by several missionaries, one who is also named Elder Arnold. I said good-bye to my family and entered the MTC to began my 2 year adventure teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so excited for this journey to begin. I will miss my family and friends but I know that I am where I need to be. My family will be adding excerts from my emails and letters on this blog.